European Aerosol Assembly
Welcome to the website of the European Aerosol Assembly (EAA).
Aerosol science deals with solid or liquid particles suspended in a gas. The study of aerosols physical-chemical properties, formation and transformation processes, emission sources and effects on human health and the environment claims for a collaborative interdisciplinary approach. Indeed, topics of interest are related to atmospheric aerosol studies, aerosol technology, aerosol measurement techniques, aerosol and health effects, and basic aerosol processes.
The European Aerosol Assembly is composed of representatives from twelve Aerosol Societies aiming at:
providing a forum for co-operation between National Aerosol Societies
establishing a common policy on the running of the European Aerosol Conference
coordinating the timetable of national meetings
acting as the point of contact for non-European organisations
facilitating the flow of information between the European societies
encouraging the development of education in the field of aerosol science
assisting the formation of specialist working groups
acting as a focus in lobbying the E.U. and other funding bodies to encourage the growth of research in the field of aerosol science and technology
The Journal Aerosol Research should be adopted as the Journal of all the member societies.
The Council should, as appropriate, negotiate with the owners of the Journal the terms and conditions for the sale of the Journal to individual members of the participating societies.
Five Working Groups are currently active inside EAA, covering a wide range of research interests: aerosol technology, atmospheric aerosol studies, aerosol measurement techniques, aerosol and health, and basic aerosol processes.
Speakers of the working groups are:
Ulas Im (ulas@envs.au.dk)
Ana Kroflic (ana.kroflic@ki.si)
EAA holds an annual European Aerosol Conference (EAC) with the participation of research groups from all over the world. Every four years EAC is discontinued due to the coincidence with the International Aerosol Conference (IAC) organized by the International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA). IAC switches between Asia, US and Europe.
Next EAC&IAC meetings will be:
EAC 2024, Tampere (Finland), August 25-30, 2024
Moreover, EAA Member Societies organize also their own national/international meetings. Please check their webpages for further information.
Researchers, agencies and companies interested in aerosol related topics are welcome to join the National Member Societies.
President, EAA
Dr. Jonas Elm
Department of Chemistry
Aarhus University
Langelandsgade 140
8000 Aarhus C
General Secretary, EAA
Dr. Sarah Steimer
Department of Environmental Science
Svante Arrheniusväg 8 C, Geohuset
106 91 Stockholm