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EAA Working Groups


WG 2: Atmospheric Aerosol Studies


Chair: Ana Kroflič


Ambient aerosols are recognized to have important impacts on the ecosystem, human health and climate change. However, aerosol formation and aging mechanisms, as well as a number of related atmospheric processes are not well understood. Of our main interest are physical, chemical, and optical properties of ambient aerosols and their mimics, including time-resolved investigations of the complex multiphase system and aerosol modelling. We aim to provide better insight, new aspects and knowledge on the lifecycle of atmospheric aerosol particles, with an emphasis on their roles in cloud formation and Earth’s radiative balance.


The Atmospheric Aerosol Studies working group is an interdisciplinary scientific forum that strives for the scientific exchange and the highest-level scientific discussions within the wide atmospheric aerosol science community. We warmly welcome contributions from field as well as aerosol chamber, laboratory, and modelling studies considering any aspect of atmospheric aerosols and their processing.


Subtopics (responsible person)

Aerosols and clouds in polar regions (Julia Schmale)

Aerosol-cloud-interaction and role in climate feedbacks (Silvia Henning)

Atmospheric ice nucleation (Silvia Henning)

New particle formation (Jenni Kontkanen)

Homogeneous, heterogeneous and multiphase chemistry, secondary aerosols (Ana Kroflič)

Transport of atmospheric aerosols, modelling and climate forcing (Ulas Im)

Molecular characterization of atmospheric aerosols (Christopher Kampf)

Chemical characterization of carbonaceous aerosols (James Allan)

Sources and source apportionment of atmospheric aerosols (Daniele Contini)

Optical properties, remote sensing, black and brown carbon (Luca Ferrero)

Physico-chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols (Jack Lin)

WG members

Topics of main interest
Ana Kroflič
Multiphase chemistry, SOA, brown carbon, chemical characterization
Christopher Kampf
Molecular characterization, multiphase chemistry
Daniele Contini (chair)
Source apportionment, physical and chemical properties
Jack Lin
James Allan
Julia Schmale
Aerosols in extreme environments, aerosol-cloud interaction
Luca Ferrero
Optical properties and remote sensing, black and brown carbon, climate forcing
Silvia Henning
Aerosol-cloud interaction, transport
Tuomo Nieminen
Ulas Im
Transport, global modelling and climate forcing

Überschrift 1

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