GAeF supported 23 students from different areas within aerosol research for travelling to the European Aerosol Conference 2019 in Gothenburg!
Anna Tobler
Characterization and Source Apportionment of PM1 Organic Aerosol in Krakow, Poland
The conference was a great experience and offered lots opportunities to connect with people from my field.
Gang Chen
Conducting Rolling PMF Analysis Using Source Finder Professional (SoFi Pro) for Different Sources of Organic Aerosols (OA)
It was great meeting in Gothenburg last week, and thank you so much for your travel grant.
Masoom Shaban
Clausthal University of Technology
In Situ Encapsulation of Various Semiconductor Nanoparticles with Polymer Shell by Surface-Initiated Aerosol-Photopolymerization
The “EAC 2019” was very enjoyable and academically very profitable; it was my pleasure to be there and to share what I have been doing with a group of outstanding academicians.
Jalal Poostforooshan
Clausthal University of Technology
Synthesis and Simulation of Nanospherical Mesoporous Carbon Nitride and its Application as a Photoinitiator for Aerosol-Photopolymerization
The “EAC 2019” was a successful conference. Such a conference involves enormous amounts of time and energy. I learned a lot and enjoyed meeting so many people from various universities. It was my pleasure to attend this conference. Thank you for organizing everything!
Varun Aiyar Ganesan
Clausthal University of Technology
Electrospray Assisted Flame Pyrolysis of Metal-Oxide and Mixed Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles
As a student working in the field of aerosols, attending and learning from experts at different EACs has been a fruitful exercise. The travel support extended to students by GAeF has helped me be a part of the esteemed congress. The colossal conference organized every year has provided me with a platform to not only propagate my findings but also to discuss, brainstorm and interpret details that have helped tremendously. It has been a forum for interaction with other researchers, resulting in valuable collaborations. I am thankful and look forward to the continuous encouragement of the student community by the GAeF
Malte Bierwirth
Clausthal University of Technology
SMPS-ICP-MS Coupling to Simultaneously Characterize Particle Size Distributions and Mass Compositions in an Aerosol
I am very grateful to GAeF for the Student Travel support, as this allowed me to attend the EAC2019 in Gothenburg.
This was my first EAC and I had the opportunity to listen to many different presentations covering a broad spectrum of Aerosol research. Furthermore, I had interesting discussions with experts of different fields after their presentations or at one of the many posters. Additionally, the Student Travel Support granted by GAeF enabled me to present my work as an oral presentation.
Jens Wiegmann
Clausthal University of Technology
Production of Piezoelectric Polymers in a One-step Spray-drying Process
I wish to thank the GAeF for making my visit to EAC 2019 possible. It was my first ever international conference and it gave me an opportunity to interact with experts in the field of my interest. These interactions were helpful in crafting new ideas for my future work. I got an insight in to different fields of aerosol science through the many different posters and oral presentations. Furthermore, the student travel support gave me the opportunity to orally present my work.
Andebo Waza
Technical University Darmstadt
Field comparison of Dry Deposition Samplers for Collection of Atmospheric Mineral Dust: Results from Single-particle Characterization
I am so honored and thankful for being selected by the GAeF Executive Board for student travel support program. The GAef Travel Support enabled me to attend and present my research at EAC2019.
Yvette Gramlich
Stockholm University
Temperature Dependence of Secondary Organic Aerosol Chemical Composition from Toluene and a-Pinene
I am very grateful for the student travel support from GAeF. During EAC, I had very inspiring conversations.
Presenting my poster was an especially valuable opportunity to discuss my research and obtain ideas for future work.
Sebastian Düsing
The Effect of Rapid Relative Humidity Changes on Fast Filter-based Aerosol Particle Light Absorption Measurements: Uncertainties and Correction Schemes
I would like to thank the GAef for the travel support. This enabled me to present my personal research to the scientific community and to thrive on it. I was fortunate to get such great insights into the research of others. The application process was simple and I can warmly recommend every PhD student to apply for the opportunity to have the same great experience.
Christian Pilz
Balloon-Borne In-Situ Aerosol Measurements in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer during MOSAiC
Thank you GAef for the student travel support to EAC 2019 in Gothenburg. Many interesting presentations and talks with other scientists made the conference a good experience to me. It motivates me to continue with my own scientific work.
Nikolina Leona Serdarevic
TU Berlin
Flow Reactor Experiments to Study the Influence of Ions on Secondary Aerosol Formation
It was my great pleasure to participate at the European Aerosol Conference 2019. I am thankful for the opportunity to broaden my knowledge and the possibility to meet all the experts in the field of aerosol science. The conference was very nice and pleasant experience that gave me a chance to exchange and expand my ideas. The conference organization was great and presented topics more than interesting.