The Smoluchowski Award shall be given to a young researcher who has achieved and published new results in aerosol science …
The Smoluchowski Award, named after the physicist Marian Smoluchowski (1872-1917), recognizes significant research contributions to all fields of aerosol science and technology except for those fields covered by the Schmauss Award.
Committee members: tba.
* final deadline
30 April 2025

Regulations common to the Schmauss Award
and the Smoluchowski Award (1. February 2023)
Both awards recognize outstanding young aerosol scientists, the Schmauss Award in the field related of atmospheric aerosols, the Smoluchowski Award in any other area of aerosol science and technology.
We encourage applications from women and ethnic minorities, who are currently under-represented among the past awardees. For further questions you may directly contact the members of the award committee or the GAeF board.
Winners of previous Smoluchowski awards that combined all fields of aerosol science including atmospheric aerosols and aerosol technology:
1986 Paul E. Wagner
1987 Helmut Bunz
1988 Andreas Schmidt-Ott
1989 Leon Gradon
1990 Richard C. Flagan
1991 Reinhard Niessner
1992 David Y. H. Pui + Andrey V. Filippov
1993 Vladek. Szymanski
1994 Heinz Burtscher + Wolfgang Möller
1995 Sotiris E. Pratsinis + Michael Shapiro
1996 Sergey Grinshpun
1997 Markku Kulmala
1998 K. A. Prather + Alfonso M. Gañán-Calvo
1999 Ian J. Ford
2000 Einar Kruis
2001 Alfred P. Weber + D.A. Edwards
2002 Da-Ren Chen
2003 Ignacio González Loscertales
2004 Colin O`Dowd
2005 Lutz Mädler
2006 Jean-Pascal Borra
2007 Veli-Matti Kerminen
2008 Markus Kalberer + Thomas Koop
2009 Suwan Jayasinghe
2010 Wendelin J. Stark + Martin Seipenbusch2011 Albert G. Nasibulin + Jing Wang
2012 no winner
2013 James D. Allan + Christopher J. Hogan Jr. + Maosheng Yao
2014 Ilona Riipinen
2015 Andreas Kürten
2016 Alexandra Teleki
2017 Mikael Kristian Ehn +Mikko Juhani Sipilä
2018 Jingkun Jiang