The Fissan-Pui-TSI Award will be granted by the International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA) to recognize international collaboration in the field of aerosol science and technology between researchers/engineers residing on at least two different continents.
The award may be shared between two or more collaborating individuals or teams.
Endowment of the Fissan-Pui-TSI Award Fund was initially made possible through a $75,000 donation from TSI Incorporated. Future contributions may be made by any individual, society or corporate entity to the endowed fund.
Nomination is made by a nomination letter, including a curriculum vitae for each individual, a list of joint publications, a list of joint achievements, and reports of collaborative projects. At least two supporting letters of recommendation for the collaboration must be included in the nomination. Supporting letters for the individual candidates are not required.
The nominator and at least one of the nominees must be a member of an IARA member society, but the other collaborating nominees can be any individuals, both inside and outside IARA member societies.

2022 not presented due to missing nominations
2018 Philip K. Hopke and Pentti Paatero
2014 Hee Dong Jang and Jiaxing Huang (co-winners)
2014 Jason Olfert and Jonathan Symonds (co-winners)
2010 Paulo Eduardo Artaxo Netto and Meinrat O. Andreae
2006 Paul E. Morrow and Werner Stöber