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EAA Working Groups

WG 5: Basic Aerosol Processes (BAP)


Chair: Eirini Goudeli 


The lack of fundamental understanding of the processes that govern aerosol formation and growth causes tremendous uncertainties in the predictions of macroscopic aerosol behavior, such as nanoparticle characteristics, optical properties, aerosol-cloud interactions, and the effect of atmospheric aerosols on global climate estimations. These uncertainties in aerosol chemistry and dynamics may be addressed by modelling and/or simulations at various length and time scales from the atomistic (quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics) all the way up to the continuum level (computational fluid dynamics, population balance equations). The basic aerosol processes working group is targeting these processes as well as focusing on a broader fundamental understanding of aerosol properties and dynamics that would have impact in other areas such as aerosol technology.


The BAP working group welcome all contributions to basic aerosol science that relate to aerosol physics and chemistry, modelling, simulations and fundamental research into aerosol and material properties.


Subtopics (responsible person)

  1. Smog chamber and flowtube simulations and experiments (Bernadette Rosati, Dina Alfaouri)

  2. Quantum chemical calculation of aerosol formation and gas-phase kinetics (Nanna Myllys)

  3. Molecular dynamics (Eirini Goudeli)

  4. Nucleation and growth (Nanna Myllys)

  5. Aerosol growth and evaporation, agglomeration, fragmentation, material synthesis  and filtration (Eirini Goudeli)

  6. Interaction between aerosols and surfaces, coatings (Eirini Goudeli)

  7. Aerosol transport properties and fluid dynamics 

  8. Aerosol optical properties (Bernadette Rosati)

WG members

Topics of main interest
Bernadette Rosati
Smog Chamber, atmospheric chemistry, aerosol optical properties
Dina Alfaouri
Smog chamber and flow tube simulations, micro/nano plastics
Eirini Goudeli (chair)
Aerosol dynamics, nanoparticle technology, soot formation, multiscale design of aerosol reactors.
Nanna Myllys
Quantum chemistry, cluster formation, atmospheric chemistry.

Überschrift 1

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